Sunday, 25 September 2011

"Date Night" revisited...

I have to apologise to my husband, because I do not thank him enough for how supportive he is! So here it is Jimbolina (he hates when I call him that) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!
Back in March when I decided to make all these changes, he fully supported it, then again when I decided to do the 12 week challenge, stood behind me 97%! I say 97% because Jim and my kids ate what I ate, arranged their schedules around my training and BeautyFit bootcamps, went out and purchased a home gym for me... BUT!! He has NOT joined a gym or expressed any interest in working out with me... until now!

I was lucky enough to be able to obtain my gym membership through Jim's corporate plan at work, so he got one too! How freaking awesome is that??? I don't know for sure what has inspired the sudden interest... could be that Sandra (Sam) Compton nicknamed him "cupcake" (which I know he secretly likes cuz he smiles and blushes every time she calls him that) or if I've actually inspired him to want more out of life... or the fact that I can bike way faster and farther now... but what ever it is... YAHOOOOOO!!!
Having two kids at home is trying on any marriage, and there isn't a lot of time for just the two of us... so now our date night happens at the gym! We still get hot and sweaty, laugh and enjoy ourselves... it's just healthy now too! I love it!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Hello my friends... long time no write... well there are a couple of reasons for that, the first being I have been crazy busy!! I've also been so focused on life I wasn't sure how to tell you all about it!
I'm well into my 3rd week of on-line training with Sandra (Sam) Compton of BeautyFit ( No one said this was going to be easy and it certainly hasn't been... but for different reasons than I expected.
You may or may not know that I have a 3 year old daughter, and because I work for myself out of my home doing hair I am home full time with her. This has worked well for us, but she's become a bit spoiled because of it... ooops! One of the biggest challenges I've had to face is getting Kerrigan (Keeker) on board with my new training schedule. She is also attending day care for the first time! This was a HUGE deal for her!!! Well in the spirit of honesty, it was me that was the problem (I just didn't know it!) Keeker flat out told me she would not be going to day care! Period! So now what?? Well we went for a "visit" and she was a bit scared, I had to let go a little and let her see for her self that it was gonna be FUN!! Goodlife has a great set up for the day care, and the teachers are fantastic... they even give the kids their own memberships so they feel like they're really important!
I Got my OWN membership!

Now that we're in week 3 and nicely settled into our routine things are going much smoother... I'm still "dealing" with some other small challenges... like finding the proper equipment... I'll admit to bbm-ing Sam late one night because I couldn't find the dang Assisted Pull Up machine... sheesh!
I'm also having a bit of an issue with what time of day works best for what I'm doing... for example, I've learned that doing my training between 5 and 10 pm is HORRIBLE!!! It's great because I can go with my husband and we get to hang out doing what I enjoy, but the gym is ridiculously busy and it's next to impossible to get my stuff done. So I either do it directly after my am cardio or later at night... either way works for me so this was pretty easy to deal with!
Its always funny to me that the things I worry about leading up to a "change" are never the things that are "issues"...  and things I never expected to happen, like Keeker LOVING day care and my husband working out me (which is a whole blog post in itself... it's coming) are the biggest surprises! Life is good, even with challenges!

Monday, 5 September 2011

Back to School!

I love this time of year! It's always a fresh start, and new beginnings, full of so many new adventures! I may not be going back to school, but I am being schooled anew!
As of September 1st I have joined a new gym and committed to a new training program... exciting!!! I just got back from my last week (well okay, 11 days) of summer vacation and so tomorrow it's "back to school" for me!... EXCITING!!!
BUT... I'm a little bit nervous too! Deciding to change gyms was seriously a hard decision! I mean I REALLY REALLY love World GYM Kitchener, and the staff is so amazing! I can't even begin to tell you what a fantastic bunch of people work there! My 12 week trainer Lisa has become a friend, and my running buddy Sheryl who works the front desk is some one I will always have a special place in my heart for! Everyone there is so supportive and caring! So why not stay? It all came down to location... I joined Goodlife because it's located at the end of my street (almost) I can walk there with my daughter every morning and put her in the daycare and get my work out in! We're a one car family so this is really important to me... and there you have it!
So the other new and exciting... and really kinda scary thing is that I'll be doing online training with Sam from BeautyFit. I've had Sam as a coach for a while now in the group capacity... and she's been there 200% coaching me personally as well... but I've not been in this scenario with her. I know she expects every ounce of my focus but she won't be standing there pushing me... I'll be doing that on my own... for the first time! I have to be accountable to me!! I've been given all the tools and shown how to use them... and here's my chance to prove to ME that I have "it"! That I can do "it"!
I'm hitting the hay now... tomorrow is a BIG day! xo