Tuesday 9 August 2011

Back At It! Lil bitty update...

WHOA! So I went on vacation for 9 days... yeah it was fantastic, but I'm back now! again WHOA!!
While on vacation I ate really well, not that I didn't have the occasional naughty tidbit here and there but I was really really careful about what I put into my mouth and I made sure that at least once a day I worked out... swam laps in the lake, rode my bike, ran a few KM's... whatever I could do to keep myself active. Man did I miss boot camp... and my fellow Beauties!!! To go from 5 days a week hard core exercise to swimming laps or going for a run... HUGE CHANGE!! WHOA! Did I ever feel it tonight! Twice I got so dizzy I actually saw spots, felt like I was gonna pass out while running... it was terrible!
Don't get me wrong, I love vacation! LOVE IT!! But I just can't let the intensity of my work outs falter for 9 days, that doesn't work for me, not anymore! I guess I'm officially a gym junkie! I'm still learning things, that's not gonna change... tonight I learned that a life style change DOESN'T take vacation...

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