HELLZ YEAH I CAN!! So I just finished my 3rd week of the challenge and holy smokes what a ride!!! Last week (week 2) I did 4 boot camps and 2 resistance training sessions in 4 days... how'd that go? I'm still moving so I guess I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was!! Dropped a long weekend and my husbands birthday in there too... I stayed strong, but just didn't eat that well. As in I didn't eat enough or drink enough... and I can tell you I DEFINITELY felt it!! Week 3 for some crazy reason was WAY harder!!
I guess it was "beat the crrrrrrrap outta Jenna's arms until she finds it impossible to feed herself" week! Monday was a holiday so I doubled up my work outs with Sam and Lisa on Tuesday...7 a.m. I met Lisa and she went a little crazy working my arms... and she freakin' giggles while she does it... and asks "isn't this fun?", like I'm about to say "yeah dude, I can do this all day"... it actually hurt to touch my chest and ribs after I left! So silly me thinking that maybe Sam would have a heart and go easy on arms after CC (Crystal Cox my partner in fitness) and I explained the kind of horror that Lisa abused us with... HA FREAKIN HA!! There is no mercy! She does not care that I'm sore and stiff... in fact I'm pretty dang sure she takes that as a challenge to push the envelope just a lil farther... "JUMP JENNA" is still ringing in my ears, cuz that's her goal, to get us to JUMP outta that comfort zone and "JUST DO IT" (I swear Nike should being paying this woman). Well okay, fine.. I'll just make Lisa aware in the morning when we meet at 7a.m. that arms are a no no .... These women are INSANE!! I swear to gawd they have gotten together and planned my demise!! I mean, really! I know I know I know, I hate these arms of mine and I really want to be able to point cut without "flapping" but jeeze, give a gurrrl a break already!
At boot camp on Thursday it was just pointless to even try and get out of "arm abuse"... and Sam freakin' taped me lifting weights!! Oh and she poked me in the bicep while I was very slowly lifting and lowering the barbell and with that big beautiful smile that is impossible to hate she says "pop pop pop" between you and me... I can think of something else I'd like to "pop"... just say'n... However this slow movement or negative movement is hitting the top and bottom of the bicep where it strains to make them stronger.
Friday Fun Day... Do I even have to tell you that this means "fun" for Lisa?? Not for Jenna?? I mean Lisa is this sweet girl who just instantly makes you comfortable and you can really really tell she loves her job and cares for her clients... but she's a lil crazy too... I ain't gonna lie, she thoroughly enjoys the suffering of others!! So what'd she do to me... she beat the crap outta my arms AGAIN!!! She did throw some abs and legs in there (yeah they do that to trick ya) but she was like a lion on the prowl... ARMS ARMS ARMS... eeesh!
So Saturday... thank sweet baby Jesus, I have a meeting with Rebecca and she won't touch my arms!... But she is going to weigh me in, and measure me and photograph me and this is still a paralysing fear for me... I am getting better at doing the weigh ins, and I have received sooooo much amazing support, but I'm still letting my head get into the game far too much! I mean look at it logically, I'm eating right, and I'm working out consistently (and really dang hard), taking all of my supplements, drinking TONS of water, getting enough sleep and keeping my stress levels at a minimum... so why worry right? CUZ I'M A CHICK!! That's what we do! And I'm brutal! I can never commend myself on a job well done, I'm always looking for that fault, of where I could have done better... stupid...
So I walk into my meeting with Rebecca and we take a quick look at my food intake over the last 2 weeks, then off to the scale we go... I'm gonna just put it all out there and then summarise it all up
Weight - 157.8lbs (+0.4)
Body Fat - 36.9 (-1.0)
Chest 35.5" (-2.75)
Waist 32.25" (-1.0)
Hips 38.75" (-1.25)
Mid Thigh 23.75" (-.25)
Mid Calf 16.5" (same)
Bicep 12.25" (-.75)
Total Inches 159 (-6)
Okay so what does all this mean... I gained .4 pounds... I'm not gonna lie this freaked me right the heck out! I wanted to get up and walk out of the room so I could puke and then cry... worst feeling in the world... until I shut my head the hell up and listed to what Rebecca was telling me... this is normal! I have lost 6 inches in 3 weeks, that's amazing! I need to focus on the positive... I have also taken one entire pound of fat and turned it into muscle, and that is no easy feat! I'm leaner and I'm stronger and I'm on the right track (and if you take a look at the biceps... Sam and Lisa know their sh*t too lol lol) so am I happy? I'm okay, to tell the truth, I wanted a bigger loss on the scale, but Rebecca has cut my fruit to an apple a day kinda thing and we'll re-evaluate... so I'm not ecstatic but I'm not crying either!
But it doesn't end here either, after my meeting I decided to do some cardio... and on the advise of Rebecca I jumped on the treadmill (the precore just isn't challenging me enough any more) and I RAN 5 kilometers!!! Yeah you read that right, 5 glorious kilometers!!! This is officially my proudest moment since I began my personal journey! annnnnnnd now I'm crying... again, because this is something that I really honestly thought I couldn't do... and I DID!! I try really really hard not to use the words "I can't" and its sinking in cuz each week I turn one of my "can't" into a "just friggen DID"... YAY ME! xoxo
Over the last few years my weight has slowly been becoming an issue, a few weeks ago I decided it was time to make a change. It started out with a BeautyFit boot camp twice a week and became an amazing journey! One that I'd love you take with me. This blog will be my "tell-all" while I work with BeautyFit and World Gym to "Become the After Picture"... join me for the next 12 weeks through my ups and downs and in-betweens... Hang on! It's gonna be a hell of a ride!!
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
Long Weekends are HARD!
It's really hard to stick to a diet on a long weekend, but throw a birthday in there too and it's a recipe for psychotic rage episodes! I can't tell you how many times I said "I can't eat that" this weekend... and I know it's completely unfair to expect everyone (my husband) to eat the way I am right now, but come on!! Must he eat 5 cup cakes in front of me??? Does it seem like a good idea to grill up big juicy hot dogs and eat pretzels with them??? All I can say is he's lucky its his birthday and it's morally wrong to beat up the birthday boy!
Some days are gonna be like this, I get it... but I don't have to like it today!
I'm gonna go for a run, that should calm the storm... lol
Some days are gonna be like this, I get it... but I don't have to like it today!
I'm gonna go for a run, that should calm the storm... lol
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
The Middle of Week Crazy
Usually Wednesday is hump day, the half way point... for me that half way point is tonight! The middle of a 4 day "craze-a-thon"!!
In an effort to support my BFF Jules in her journey to become healthier, I signed her up for 2 free drop in Boot Camp classes at Fitness 360 with BeautyFit... I did ask her... after she was committed to doing it heehees!! But I'm a super good friend and was not going to make her go it alone... so I signed myself up too... eeeeesh! What was I thinking??? I already have boot camp two times a week and I have my resistance training two times a week... not to mention all the additional time I spend doing cardio both at the gym and out with my family!!! 2 extra boot camps???? Well sure! Bring it on!! See I'm tough like that...
Monday, half way through my session with Lisa I starting thinking "Hey what the heck is wrong with me?" it was like my arms were made of lead... I couldn't seem to understand why all of a sudden the weights had become so dang ... heavy!! So I gave Lisa this big confused look and said... "WTH???" to which she replied "Jenna, one thing you need to know about me is that I am going to challenge you EVERY SINGLE TIME, we're here to make you stronger, it makes no sense to sit at the same level week after week"... yeah big "DUH" moment for me... but come on it's 7 a.m. on a Monday, my muscles are working but my brain isn't up yet! So okay, fine she's gonna push me... I'm sure this has nothing to do with Sam ratting me and Crystal out for "coasting" on the treadmill... Really, this is how training works and I get it... and I'm all in, so bring it Lisa!! Jeesh my chest and shoulders are killing me... I can feel muscles I didn't know I even had!!
Later on in the day I read a post from "Sargent Compton" saying she's gonna have us outside for camp that night... WHAT?!?!?!?! In the rain?? Mud??? Ummmm, It's COLD out there??? Those could have been my responses but as Sam would say "2 words... BOOT CAMP" so I thought, okay bring it... plus, I had 3 friends coming, I can't wuss out. To be honest I don't really mind being outside, you don't get hot and faint, and that hour usually flies right on by!
Sam was in fine form, and these ladies brought game, no one puked, no one ran away and I gotta say my girls, Jules, Kay and Lisa really did a great job! We got dirty as hell but it was fun!!
My big win for the night was what is driving the rest of this week for me! Every one who knows me, can tell you I hate my wiggly giggly flappy arms!!! I'm a hair stylist and I point cut every dang day... do you know what your arm looks like held up at head level and moving back and forth in tiny jerky movements??? I do, cuz I get the pleasure of seeing it everyday in a huge mirror! What's worse is that I have to subject my poor unsuspecting clients to such a terrifying scene!! If I've every done your hair, please accept my most sincere apology!! xoxo But this will also tell you that I have weak arms... really weak! So when Sam says push ups, my lil heart breaks a lil bit every time!! I do the modified ones... yep, on my knees! They bruise too and it hurts, but like I said, weak arms! But I have friends at this camp and I don't want look weak! I don't want them to see Sam yell at me either! Heehees!! So when she said drop and give me 10 push ups I thought "okay Jenna, put on your big girl panties and do the military push ups" (I said this in my friend Amanda's voice, cuz she's funny) and I did... I DID!! The last one came with 2 little tears, not from exertion although there was that! From Joy!! Yeah I said it! If you're reading this thinking "she did 10 push ups and cried" you drop right now and do 10!! Heehees, no I get it. It really isn't that big a deal to most people, but this is the first time EVER that I have been able to do it and I did it TWICE!!! I'm getting all weepy-eyed just writing about it! It's the little wins that keep me going, especially in a week like this one! So I'm ready for boot camp tonight, and tomorrow and the next night too! Hopefully when I see Lisa on Wednesday I'm a little more on the ball because I know she's gonna be!
In an effort to support my BFF Jules in her journey to become healthier, I signed her up for 2 free drop in Boot Camp classes at Fitness 360 with BeautyFit... I did ask her... after she was committed to doing it heehees!! But I'm a super good friend and was not going to make her go it alone... so I signed myself up too... eeeeesh! What was I thinking??? I already have boot camp two times a week and I have my resistance training two times a week... not to mention all the additional time I spend doing cardio both at the gym and out with my family!!! 2 extra boot camps???? Well sure! Bring it on!! See I'm tough like that...
Monday, half way through my session with Lisa I starting thinking "Hey what the heck is wrong with me?" it was like my arms were made of lead... I couldn't seem to understand why all of a sudden the weights had become so dang ... heavy!! So I gave Lisa this big confused look and said... "WTH???" to which she replied "Jenna, one thing you need to know about me is that I am going to challenge you EVERY SINGLE TIME, we're here to make you stronger, it makes no sense to sit at the same level week after week"... yeah big "DUH" moment for me... but come on it's 7 a.m. on a Monday, my muscles are working but my brain isn't up yet! So okay, fine she's gonna push me... I'm sure this has nothing to do with Sam ratting me and Crystal out for "coasting" on the treadmill... Really, this is how training works and I get it... and I'm all in, so bring it Lisa!! Jeesh my chest and shoulders are killing me... I can feel muscles I didn't know I even had!!
Later on in the day I read a post from "Sargent Compton" saying she's gonna have us outside for camp that night... WHAT?!?!?!?! In the rain?? Mud??? Ummmm, It's COLD out there??? Those could have been my responses but as Sam would say "2 words... BOOT CAMP" so I thought, okay bring it... plus, I had 3 friends coming, I can't wuss out. To be honest I don't really mind being outside, you don't get hot and faint, and that hour usually flies right on by!
Sam was in fine form, and these ladies brought game, no one puked, no one ran away and I gotta say my girls, Jules, Kay and Lisa really did a great job! We got dirty as hell but it was fun!!
My big win for the night was what is driving the rest of this week for me! Every one who knows me, can tell you I hate my wiggly giggly flappy arms!!! I'm a hair stylist and I point cut every dang day... do you know what your arm looks like held up at head level and moving back and forth in tiny jerky movements??? I do, cuz I get the pleasure of seeing it everyday in a huge mirror! What's worse is that I have to subject my poor unsuspecting clients to such a terrifying scene!! If I've every done your hair, please accept my most sincere apology!! xoxo But this will also tell you that I have weak arms... really weak! So when Sam says push ups, my lil heart breaks a lil bit every time!! I do the modified ones... yep, on my knees! They bruise too and it hurts, but like I said, weak arms! But I have friends at this camp and I don't want look weak! I don't want them to see Sam yell at me either! Heehees!! So when she said drop and give me 10 push ups I thought "okay Jenna, put on your big girl panties and do the military push ups" (I said this in my friend Amanda's voice, cuz she's funny) and I did... I DID!! The last one came with 2 little tears, not from exertion although there was that! From Joy!! Yeah I said it! If you're reading this thinking "she did 10 push ups and cried" you drop right now and do 10!! Heehees, no I get it. It really isn't that big a deal to most people, but this is the first time EVER that I have been able to do it and I did it TWICE!!! I'm getting all weepy-eyed just writing about it! It's the little wins that keep me going, especially in a week like this one! So I'm ready for boot camp tonight, and tomorrow and the next night too! Hopefully when I see Lisa on Wednesday I'm a little more on the ball because I know she's gonna be!
Saturday, 14 May 2011
1 Down, 11 More To Go...
So its over... that first week! You know the one! You're finding you way, figuring things out. Everything is new (and a lil scary too) But that's it, it's DONE!! Wooohooo!! I bet you're wondering how I did, aren't you?
Last night was the longest night in the history of nights!! I slept very little and had one mofo of a nightmare! (it involved chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream... I won't go into detail, it's too painful) But my weight results are in and my eating for the week adjusted... I have lost 5.8 pounds and 2% body fat. Holy freakin' crap!!! Now I do need to up my water intake, and I was expecting that... so no problem there... but 5lbs??? For realz??? WOW!! I'm pretty sure I don't need to tell you how happy I am. I mean, lets be honest, I know this isn't going to be the case every dang week, but heck yeah Imma take it 'n run!
Let me quick lay out for y'all how I eat, cuz remember they got me eating 5 times a day... yeah, that's no joke, 5 times!! Also I think it's good for you to know how and when I get my BeautyFit supplements in and where my work outs come into play too.
6 am Breakfast, 2 BeautyFuel and BeautyBum
7 am Resistance training with Lisa(on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays excluding weeks where I meet with Rebecca)
8 am Burn 500 cals doing cardio (precore machine)
9 am Morning snack, 1 BeautyComplex Daily
12 pm Lunch, 2 BeautyCleanse
3 pm Afternoon snack, 2 BeautyFuel
6 pm Dinner
7 pm BeautyFit Boot Camp (Tuesday and Thursday)
9 pm BeautyBurn PM
I also need to consume at least 4 litres of good ol' H2O!
Times may vary a little bit here and there cuz lets face it I got kids... but that's basically my day! Also on days where I don't have boot camp or resistance training I still try and get at least a "Burn500" in (this is what I call my cardio... forces me to stay in for the full 500 cals and not sneak out lol)
Well it's been a great week, lots of challenge, but I did it and I'm still riding the high of my 5 lbs loss... Thanks for taking this journey with me so far and for all your amazing support and positive comments! Till next time...xoxo
Last night was the longest night in the history of nights!! I slept very little and had one mofo of a nightmare! (it involved chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream... I won't go into detail, it's too painful) But my weight results are in and my eating for the week adjusted... I have lost 5.8 pounds and 2% body fat. Holy freakin' crap!!! Now I do need to up my water intake, and I was expecting that... so no problem there... but 5lbs??? For realz??? WOW!! I'm pretty sure I don't need to tell you how happy I am. I mean, lets be honest, I know this isn't going to be the case every dang week, but heck yeah Imma take it 'n run!
Let me quick lay out for y'all how I eat, cuz remember they got me eating 5 times a day... yeah, that's no joke, 5 times!! Also I think it's good for you to know how and when I get my BeautyFit supplements in and where my work outs come into play too.
6 am Breakfast, 2 BeautyFuel and BeautyBum
7 am Resistance training with Lisa(on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays excluding weeks where I meet with Rebecca)
8 am Burn 500 cals doing cardio (precore machine)
9 am Morning snack, 1 BeautyComplex Daily
12 pm Lunch, 2 BeautyCleanse
3 pm Afternoon snack, 2 BeautyFuel
6 pm Dinner
7 pm BeautyFit Boot Camp (Tuesday and Thursday)
9 pm BeautyBurn PM
I also need to consume at least 4 litres of good ol' H2O!
Times may vary a little bit here and there cuz lets face it I got kids... but that's basically my day! Also on days where I don't have boot camp or resistance training I still try and get at least a "Burn500" in (this is what I call my cardio... forces me to stay in for the full 500 cals and not sneak out lol)
Well it's been a great week, lots of challenge, but I did it and I'm still riding the high of my 5 lbs loss... Thanks for taking this journey with me so far and for all your amazing support and positive comments! Till next time...xoxo
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
How I got here!
How did I get here... well it's good question, cuz certainly this is not what I had planned for my body! I also didn't "get here" over night, this has been a long long process! It's also came with a whole lotta tears and frustration. I like to say that I got fat because I quit smoking and that's partially true... I gained close to 40 lbs when I quit. But that isn't the whole truth either... I like to eat... A LOT!! I love cooking and and I'm good at it so naturally Imma get my eats on!!
About 2 years ago while getting my nails done, I was given a sample of BeautyFuel. I had a vague idea that it was a supplement that aided in weight loss and I though hellz yeah! I'm all over that, so I ordered a bottle on line, and I felt really good. Then I got really brave and ordered more but this time it was being delivered to my house by Sam... OMFG!!! I open the door and find a freakin' super model with an amazing body and I'm like... WTF??? this is the chick from the poster??? So I'm thinking "hey I can do this, I'll add her on Facebook and maybe I'll pick up some pointers" ... not so much! I totally let my head take over and developed this ridiculous fear of Sam. I knew she was a boot camp instructor and while I knew a boot camp would be good for me I was so afraid of her I couldn't bring myself to sign up.
Some time went by and I did make small efforts to living healthier. I quit smoking, joined the YMCA and tried not to eat too much crap. But I wasn't all in, so I ended up gaining weight... I pissed and moaned about being fat to ALL my family, friends, clients and basically anyone who would listen! One particular day I'm on facebook and I see Sam's comment on a boot camp... so I emailed her... lol, what a moron I am... I'm so tough right, so I tell her that I'm chubby, need help but I am NOT doing a boot camp cuz she's scary. I can laugh about it now, but damn was I an idiot! The first thing she had me do was a food journal... it was so bad!! I don't mean i had some crappy food listed either. Her response (and I still have the email) was "Girl you are going to die, I am starting a Boot Camp 101 because of you" really... she made a whole new boot camp because of me!! So when I say I was eating bad and not exercising it's definitely bullsh*t! I was KILLING myself!! So I jumped, for the first time... Now I'm jumping all over the place and pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone!
I walked into World Gym excited and ready and willing! Gahhhh! That class was brutal!! She kicked my a$$ all over the studio... and then some! I really felt like I was gonna die!! And she yelled! She stood beside me while I was doing squats and yelled "DOWN, UP" like I could possibly do any better than what I was doing... Beotch! Do I love her for it now? oh Hellz Yeah!!! But I hated her that night!!! So the next morning I walked into the locker room, feeling all empowered and still not getting it! I am FAT and I will not lose weight by going to boot camp 2 times a week. I will have to eat clean, which at the time I didn't even know what that meant! I will have to exercise regularly!! Most important I will have to commit to change in my life! Okay so yeah I'm all "I can do this" like it's no big deal! Right! I still really thought "pfft 20 lbs and I'll be fine" ...Not so much... I weighed 177 lbs! at 5 feet tall... eesh! and WTF??? How'd that happen??
My second big "jump" was in week 3 of my first boot camp. I knew I had to do a weight check and I was terrified!! What if I hadn't lost anything??? Or what if I hadn't lost enough??? It was too much for me and all I could do was think of excuses why I shouldn't weigh myself. Really, I was that scared! I sat in the locker room one night after boot camp with Crystal Cox (my teammate in the BeautyFit Challenge at World Gym) and actually broke down crying. Sobbing, really, because I didn't want to get on that scale. And I didn't! I went home, talked to my husband and cried again. Called my best friend Julie, and I cried again... I don't think I can explain to you how scared of that scale I was. I was literally sick to my stomach with fear! And that Saturday morning at 7 a.m. (because she likes to make me crazy... I hate mornings... or I used to anyway...) I met Sam at the Gym, we walked into the locker room and I took off my shoes took a deep breath and got on the scale. She stood right there beside me while the scale did it's thing. 167 lbs. I lost 10 lbs!!! I fell into Sam's arms and then tried to push away from the hug cuz I was worried I'd wuss out and cry... but Sam was crying too! She cried with me cuz she got it! She knew exactly what I was feeling! And that is why I am writing this blog because now I get it! I want everyone who reads this to know where I started and where I'm going! In the words of Sam herself, I want to "Relive my past to begin some one else's future" because we're all in this together!
About 2 years ago while getting my nails done, I was given a sample of BeautyFuel. I had a vague idea that it was a supplement that aided in weight loss and I though hellz yeah! I'm all over that, so I ordered a bottle on line, and I felt really good. Then I got really brave and ordered more but this time it was being delivered to my house by Sam... OMFG!!! I open the door and find a freakin' super model with an amazing body and I'm like... WTF??? this is the chick from the poster??? So I'm thinking "hey I can do this, I'll add her on Facebook and maybe I'll pick up some pointers" ... not so much! I totally let my head take over and developed this ridiculous fear of Sam. I knew she was a boot camp instructor and while I knew a boot camp would be good for me I was so afraid of her I couldn't bring myself to sign up.
Some time went by and I did make small efforts to living healthier. I quit smoking, joined the YMCA and tried not to eat too much crap. But I wasn't all in, so I ended up gaining weight... I pissed and moaned about being fat to ALL my family, friends, clients and basically anyone who would listen! One particular day I'm on facebook and I see Sam's comment on a boot camp... so I emailed her... lol, what a moron I am... I'm so tough right, so I tell her that I'm chubby, need help but I am NOT doing a boot camp cuz she's scary. I can laugh about it now, but damn was I an idiot! The first thing she had me do was a food journal... it was so bad!! I don't mean i had some crappy food listed either. Her response (and I still have the email) was "Girl you are going to die, I am starting a Boot Camp 101 because of you" really... she made a whole new boot camp because of me!! So when I say I was eating bad and not exercising it's definitely bullsh*t! I was KILLING myself!! So I jumped, for the first time... Now I'm jumping all over the place and pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone!
I walked into World Gym excited and ready and willing! Gahhhh! That class was brutal!! She kicked my a$$ all over the studio... and then some! I really felt like I was gonna die!! And she yelled! She stood beside me while I was doing squats and yelled "DOWN, UP" like I could possibly do any better than what I was doing... Beotch! Do I love her for it now? oh Hellz Yeah!!! But I hated her that night!!! So the next morning I walked into the locker room, feeling all empowered and still not getting it! I am FAT and I will not lose weight by going to boot camp 2 times a week. I will have to eat clean, which at the time I didn't even know what that meant! I will have to exercise regularly!! Most important I will have to commit to change in my life! Okay so yeah I'm all "I can do this" like it's no big deal! Right! I still really thought "pfft 20 lbs and I'll be fine" ...Not so much... I weighed 177 lbs! at 5 feet tall... eesh! and WTF??? How'd that happen??
My second big "jump" was in week 3 of my first boot camp. I knew I had to do a weight check and I was terrified!! What if I hadn't lost anything??? Or what if I hadn't lost enough??? It was too much for me and all I could do was think of excuses why I shouldn't weigh myself. Really, I was that scared! I sat in the locker room one night after boot camp with Crystal Cox (my teammate in the BeautyFit Challenge at World Gym) and actually broke down crying. Sobbing, really, because I didn't want to get on that scale. And I didn't! I went home, talked to my husband and cried again. Called my best friend Julie, and I cried again... I don't think I can explain to you how scared of that scale I was. I was literally sick to my stomach with fear! And that Saturday morning at 7 a.m. (because she likes to make me crazy... I hate mornings... or I used to anyway...) I met Sam at the Gym, we walked into the locker room and I took off my shoes took a deep breath and got on the scale. She stood right there beside me while the scale did it's thing. 167 lbs. I lost 10 lbs!!! I fell into Sam's arms and then tried to push away from the hug cuz I was worried I'd wuss out and cry... but Sam was crying too! She cried with me cuz she got it! She knew exactly what I was feeling! And that is why I am writing this blog because now I get it! I want everyone who reads this to know where I started and where I'm going! In the words of Sam herself, I want to "Relive my past to begin some one else's future" because we're all in this together!
Middle of the Week...
WOW! Yesterday was not a win for me! Due to an ER visit with my little girl, I did not make it to BeautyFit Boot Camp... all I can tell you about that, was I felt it this morning!! I hate to miss anything I've committed to, but BeautyFit Boot Camp has become like a drug for me! I can be having the worst day and feel completely drained and as soon as I see the faces of those Beauties... it's all forgotten! I LOVE my BeautyFit Boot Camp!! The inspiration and motivation I get from these ladies is unparalleled, we're a family, like sisters! All working toward the same goal, supporting and encouraging each other along the way. Annnnnd that's way I love it! But don't be mistaken, it's hard work... really really hard work! Sandra (Sam) from BeautyFit will push until there is nothing left to give and and then make you reach for more... and you wanna do it too!
So this morning came really really early for me and I was really dragging my behind to the gym. When I got there, I was met by the beautiful smile of Lisa from World Gym and we set right to work. We did a little warm up on the bike, that for some reason was really tough for me today... but I did it!! Then we headed down to the studio did some squats and lunges and back up to resistance training!
Yikes!! This is where my comfort zone is a few miles out of my reach... and I have to be honest I was more than a little scared of getting into a weight machine and "looking stupid", but you know what, no one's looking at me or anyone for that matter... everyone is there to work! Lisa worked my back, shoulders, arms and hamstrings today. It was challenging but I felt good doing it! I already feel stronger!
I'm going to spend the rest of my day nursing my daughter, but I will definitely aim for a run this evening!!!!
So this morning came really really early for me and I was really dragging my behind to the gym. When I got there, I was met by the beautiful smile of Lisa from World Gym and we set right to work. We did a little warm up on the bike, that for some reason was really tough for me today... but I did it!! Then we headed down to the studio did some squats and lunges and back up to resistance training!
Yikes!! This is where my comfort zone is a few miles out of my reach... and I have to be honest I was more than a little scared of getting into a weight machine and "looking stupid", but you know what, no one's looking at me or anyone for that matter... everyone is there to work! Lisa worked my back, shoulders, arms and hamstrings today. It was challenging but I felt good doing it! I already feel stronger!
I'm going to spend the rest of my day nursing my daughter, but I will definitely aim for a run this evening!!!!
Monday, 9 May 2011
Monday... Day 1 Week 1
...and so it begins! My alarm went off just before 6 a.m. this morning, but I was already awake... a little nervous and a LOT excited! Today was my first day of my 12 week challenge with BeautyFit and World Gym Kitchener.
I met with Rebecca Leblanc of World Gym Kitchener (my nutritionist) on Saturday, did all my measurements and weight information, which for tracking purposes I will post below:
May 7th Body Composition:
163 lbs, 37.9% Body Fat
Measurements in inches
Chest: 38.25
Waist: 33.25
Hips: 40
Mid Thigh: 24
Mid Calf: 16.5
Bicep: 13
So what this means is that I have a lot of work to do! I'm not tall... in fact I am short at 5 feet tall. Clearly 163 lbs is not a healthy weight for me but I have set reasonable goals and with Rebecca's help in clean eating and exercise these goals are within reach! I have set a goal of 135 lbs, this is what Rebecca and I agree is a reasonable goal.
Eating properly is such a HUGE part of this process. As my trainer (and life saver as I often refer to her as) Sandra Compton of BeautyFit often says weight loss and fitness is 80% eating healthy, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. This has very obviously been my down fall in the past. It's no secret that I like food, and lots of it!! The secret is lots of small meals through out the day, and making the right choices!
Today I ate 5 times!! 5 times, you read correctly. But I ate small meals that left me satisfied and were well balanced with protein, complex carbohydrates and fat. From time to time, when I have a meal that was really yummy I will post pictures and recipes!!
As well as eating ALL DANG DAY, I was at the gym with my resistance trainer Lisa Nosal of World Gym Kitchener at 7 a.m. We started out with some warm ups and did an evaluation of what this body of mine is capable of, and ended with some stretching. Lisa made it really easy on me, she knew I was a bit freaked out being up stairs with all those big scary weights, but by the end of the hour I was totally comfortable!
I decided it was a good idea to jump on the elliptical and do my cardio workout before I headed home, so I burned 500 calories and was home just after 9 a.m. I had officially done more before 9 in the morning than I'd normally do all day prior to my introduction to boot camp. I've really come a long way!!
I spent the rest of my day, eating, planning out meals, and playing with my daughter, went for a nice walk, played at the park and cut some hair... I'm still not hungry, my body isn't sore and I feel fantastic!
Day 1 of Week 1... Success
I met with Rebecca Leblanc of World Gym Kitchener (my nutritionist) on Saturday, did all my measurements and weight information, which for tracking purposes I will post below:
May 7th Body Composition:
163 lbs, 37.9% Body Fat
Measurements in inches
Chest: 38.25
Waist: 33.25
Hips: 40
Mid Thigh: 24
Mid Calf: 16.5
Bicep: 13
So what this means is that I have a lot of work to do! I'm not tall... in fact I am short at 5 feet tall. Clearly 163 lbs is not a healthy weight for me but I have set reasonable goals and with Rebecca's help in clean eating and exercise these goals are within reach! I have set a goal of 135 lbs, this is what Rebecca and I agree is a reasonable goal.
Eating properly is such a HUGE part of this process. As my trainer (and life saver as I often refer to her as) Sandra Compton of BeautyFit often says weight loss and fitness is 80% eating healthy, 10% exercise and 10% genetics. This has very obviously been my down fall in the past. It's no secret that I like food, and lots of it!! The secret is lots of small meals through out the day, and making the right choices!
Today I ate 5 times!! 5 times, you read correctly. But I ate small meals that left me satisfied and were well balanced with protein, complex carbohydrates and fat. From time to time, when I have a meal that was really yummy I will post pictures and recipes!!
As well as eating ALL DANG DAY, I was at the gym with my resistance trainer Lisa Nosal of World Gym Kitchener at 7 a.m. We started out with some warm ups and did an evaluation of what this body of mine is capable of, and ended with some stretching. Lisa made it really easy on me, she knew I was a bit freaked out being up stairs with all those big scary weights, but by the end of the hour I was totally comfortable!
I decided it was a good idea to jump on the elliptical and do my cardio workout before I headed home, so I burned 500 calories and was home just after 9 a.m. I had officially done more before 9 in the morning than I'd normally do all day prior to my introduction to boot camp. I've really come a long way!!
I spent the rest of my day, eating, planning out meals, and playing with my daughter, went for a nice walk, played at the park and cut some hair... I'm still not hungry, my body isn't sore and I feel fantastic!
Day 1 of Week 1... Success
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