HELLZ YEAH I CAN!! So I just finished my 3rd week of the challenge and holy smokes what a ride!!! Last week (week 2) I did 4 boot camps and 2 resistance training sessions in 4 days... how'd that go? I'm still moving so I guess I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was!! Dropped a long weekend and my husbands birthday in there too... I stayed strong, but just didn't eat that well. As in I didn't eat enough or drink enough... and I can tell you I DEFINITELY felt it!! Week 3 for some crazy reason was WAY harder!!
I guess it was "beat the crrrrrrrap outta Jenna's arms until she finds it impossible to feed herself" week! Monday was a holiday so I doubled up my work outs with Sam and Lisa on Tuesday...7 a.m. I met Lisa and she went a little crazy working my arms... and she freakin' giggles while she does it... and asks "isn't this fun?", like I'm about to say "yeah dude, I can do this all day"... it actually hurt to touch my chest and ribs after I left! So silly me thinking that maybe Sam would have a heart and go easy on arms after CC (Crystal Cox my partner in fitness) and I explained the kind of horror that Lisa abused us with... HA FREAKIN HA!! There is no mercy! She does not care that I'm sore and stiff... in fact I'm pretty dang sure she takes that as a challenge to push the envelope just a lil farther... "JUMP JENNA" is still ringing in my ears, cuz that's her goal, to get us to JUMP outta that comfort zone and "JUST DO IT" (I swear Nike should being paying this woman). Well okay, fine.. I'll just make Lisa aware in the morning when we meet at 7a.m. that arms are a no no .... These women are INSANE!! I swear to gawd they have gotten together and planned my demise!! I mean, really! I know I know I know, I hate these arms of mine and I really want to be able to point cut without "flapping" but jeeze, give a gurrrl a break already!
At boot camp on Thursday it was just pointless to even try and get out of "arm abuse"... and Sam freakin' taped me lifting weights!! Oh and she poked me in the bicep while I was very slowly lifting and lowering the barbell and with that big beautiful smile that is impossible to hate she says "pop pop pop" between you and me... I can think of something else I'd like to "pop"... just say'n... However this slow movement or negative movement is hitting the top and bottom of the bicep where it strains to make them stronger.
Friday Fun Day... Do I even have to tell you that this means "fun" for Lisa?? Not for Jenna?? I mean Lisa is this sweet girl who just instantly makes you comfortable and you can really really tell she loves her job and cares for her clients... but she's a lil crazy too... I ain't gonna lie, she thoroughly enjoys the suffering of others!! So what'd she do to me... she beat the crap outta my arms AGAIN!!! She did throw some abs and legs in there (yeah they do that to trick ya) but she was like a lion on the prowl... ARMS ARMS ARMS... eeesh!
So Saturday... thank sweet baby Jesus, I have a meeting with Rebecca and she won't touch my arms!... But she is going to weigh me in, and measure me and photograph me and this is still a paralysing fear for me... I am getting better at doing the weigh ins, and I have received sooooo much amazing support, but I'm still letting my head get into the game far too much! I mean look at it logically, I'm eating right, and I'm working out consistently (and really dang hard), taking all of my supplements, drinking TONS of water, getting enough sleep and keeping my stress levels at a minimum... so why worry right? CUZ I'M A CHICK!! That's what we do! And I'm brutal! I can never commend myself on a job well done, I'm always looking for that fault, of where I could have done better... stupid...
So I walk into my meeting with Rebecca and we take a quick look at my food intake over the last 2 weeks, then off to the scale we go... I'm gonna just put it all out there and then summarise it all up
Weight - 157.8lbs (+0.4)
Body Fat - 36.9 (-1.0)
Chest 35.5" (-2.75)
Waist 32.25" (-1.0)
Hips 38.75" (-1.25)
Mid Thigh 23.75" (-.25)
Mid Calf 16.5" (same)
Bicep 12.25" (-.75)
Total Inches 159 (-6)
Okay so what does all this mean... I gained .4 pounds... I'm not gonna lie this freaked me right the heck out! I wanted to get up and walk out of the room so I could puke and then cry... worst feeling in the world... until I shut my head the hell up and listed to what Rebecca was telling me... this is normal! I have lost 6 inches in 3 weeks, that's amazing! I need to focus on the positive... I have also taken one entire pound of fat and turned it into muscle, and that is no easy feat! I'm leaner and I'm stronger and I'm on the right track (and if you take a look at the biceps... Sam and Lisa know their sh*t too lol lol) so am I happy? I'm okay, to tell the truth, I wanted a bigger loss on the scale, but Rebecca has cut my fruit to an apple a day kinda thing and we'll re-evaluate... so I'm not ecstatic but I'm not crying either!
But it doesn't end here either, after my meeting I decided to do some cardio... and on the advise of Rebecca I jumped on the treadmill (the precore just isn't challenging me enough any more) and I RAN 5 kilometers!!! Yeah you read that right, 5 glorious kilometers!!! This is officially my proudest moment since I began my personal journey! annnnnnnd now I'm crying... again, because this is something that I really honestly thought I couldn't do... and I DID!! I try really really hard not to use the words "I can't" and its sinking in cuz each week I turn one of my "can't" into a "just friggen DID"... YAY ME! xoxo
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