Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Week 12 Weigh in and Measurement

Imma get right to the good stuff... cuz I know that's what you want... what are my final numbers at the end of this 12 week challenge:
                 Current                       Since last                Total
Weight:    143.2 lbs                      -4.6                          -20
Body fat   32.4%                          -2%                          -5.5%
Chest        34"                              -1.25"                       -4.25"
Waist        29"                              -1"                              -4.25"
Hips         34.75"                         -1.75"                         -5.25" (HOLY CRAP)
Thigh       22"                              -1.75"                         -2"
Calf         15.5                             -.25"                           -1"
Bicep       11.75                           -.25"                           -1.25"
Total "'s   147"                            -6.25"                          -18"

I don't need to tell you I'm pretty dang happy! And not just a little bit proud too! It's been really hard work... everyday! I've had amazing support! Incredible coaches! I have learned SO MUCH in 12 weeks and have completely changed my life! This is not the end for me, this is only the BEGINNING!
It's so funny cuz I totally thought that once I finished the challenge I'd celebrate with a Blizzard from DQ... and I may have one this summer, but my priorities have changed! So I have no desire to run out and eat something terrible because I know I'm gonna have to work EXTRA hard to burn those calories after... it's just not worth it! I still love food, and that's never gonna change but I know HOW to eat now, and how to keep my body fit and toned... that makes all the difference in the world! See:

I still have work to do, I'm not where I want to be yet... but I'll get there... and this time I'll STAY there! I have a bunch of new goal set and I'll meet them... I told Lisa (in a card, so she may not even know yet...) that I WILL run the Mississauga half marathon (WHAT!?!?!) with her in the spring! So like I said I'm not done... I'm just getting started!

I also want to say thank you to Sam and Lisa... I will never ever be able to put into words how much I appreciate what they have given me! There isn't a word big enough! It has been so much more than just "training", there was a lot of healing involved because a big part of me was broken and it isn't any more! This wasn't a "job" they were doing, they genuinely care about me and I feel everyday.
Being a Mom, I know what it is like to protect and guide and challenge and teach a child to help them accomplish goals... take that first step... When I started this challenge I was a child... Completely afraid and lacking knowledge, stubborn and not a little bit whinny... just ask them how much I whine!!!! I would never have been able to do this with out those AMAZING women! These ladies would make the best mothers... cuz its way harder to deal with an adult child then a real one!
I've said it before that Sam saved my life... and then the two of them CHANGED it... for the better, and I love them like sisters.

If you've been thinking about changing your life, getting into shape or even if you've made those first steps already but aren't sure what to do next... my advice to you: sign yourself up for BeautyFit Boot Camp. It will change you in ways you never thought possible... just ask ANYONE who's done a camp with the amazing and beautiful Sandra Compton!  Then RUN, do not walk, RUN to World Gym Kitchener and get an appointment with the gorgeous and crazy tough Lisa Nosal, set up some personal training sessions. She will have you doing things you only dreamed about... I'm not kidding, she's da bomb!! and listen to EVERY SINGLE WORD they tell you! They are brilliant and they know what they're doing, so pay attention and apply the info.! YOU WILL NOT FAIL, they won't let you... If I can do this... SO CAN YOU!
Why are you still here??? GO, RUN... Be Beautiful, Be You!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo proud of you! Amazing results because of amazing effort!
    You are bang on about the priceless women that were with us each step of the way, and this is definitely the beginning!
    Can't wait for Mississauga ;)
