Monday 13 June 2011

Woohoo Half way there...

Guess What, guess what?!?!? It's week 6!! That's right, you heard me, I'm at the half way point! I'm still alive and well... getting stronger by the second! This is a very exciting point in the challenge because now the heat will get turned up, so to speak, and I KNOW I can handle it! YAY ME!!
So last week was freaking crazy!!! Between Monday and Friday I had 3 boot camps and 3 training sessions with Lisa... Holy smokes! In case you missed it, that's 6 work outs in 5 days (not to mention my running) so my Friday Fun day was SUPER FUN!! Lisa had me doing Pushing and Pulling... this may not sound too terribly hard, but let me tell you it IS!!! Annnnnnd I had Sam come and do some videoing of my Wednesday Pull... no pressure... both my t-t-trainers (yeah I stuttered) in the same room, at the same time and "ME" as the focal point... ummmm yeah, that sucked! There was a lot of smiling,... and laughing,... and weird facial expressions (my lip kept doing this crazy Elvis curl with each "Pull")... Nice!
Friday night Sam had an invite only "Free FRALL Boot Camp" that was DJ'd by 91.5 The Beat... It was so much fun!! Someone gave Sam a Megaphone... I'm just not gonna comment on that...
A side from alllllllll the hard work I'm doing at the gym, I've also decided (with a little help from Sheryl Gesinghaus-Gatzke from World Gym Kitchener) to enter the Waterloo Classic 10K Road Race... I will be doing the 5K run and am SO FREAKING NERVOUS!!! This will be my first race, and since I only started running 2 months ago its a HUGE deal to me!! Lisa (my WGK trainer) will also be doing this race, so I'll be in great company and I'm pretty excited!!
SO Here we go Week 6! Race day is Sunday and I'm feeling Grrrrrrrrreat!! So Bring me whatchu got!

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