Sunday 2 October 2011

RUN Beauties... or Walk with purpose

BeautyFit Beauties READY SET AND GO!

Today was a really big day for us BeautyFit Beauties! Over the last few months we've been raising money in support of the CIBC Run for the Cure. We, as a team raised over Five thousand dollars... YEP WE DID!!
Me, Amanda Weiss, Jacqueline Figueiredo and Crystal Cox

Some of us ran, like Jacqueline Figueiredo who ran her very first 5 KM, Kira Walker who came into KW from Toronto and Sam's mom who was here in KW all the way from Newfoundland!! Many more Beauties ran, and finished in great time!!

Sandra (Sam) Compton and her beautiful Mother all the way from Newfoundland

Kira Walker in the pink vest

Some of us walked, like me, Crystal Cox and Pam Roth, we walked with our children. We weren't alone either, we had some other Beauties walking by our sides! It was an amazing day, full of so many emotions and so much LOVE!
Me, Pam and Sarah Roth
Sidney Cox, Crystal Cox, Me (in the carrier are Kerrigan Inglis and Sarah Roth), Pam Roth and Ben Roth in the stroller
Crystal and Sidney Cox, me and Kerrigan

My family at BeautyFit gets involved in lots of important fitness events, but we also do our part for out community! I'm so proud to be a part of the team... Way to go gurrrlz! We did it!

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